Open the Play Store and search for VLC, then click on the Install icon to add it to your device. Still, for those who do have the Play Store up and running on their Chromebook-and you can find that list of devices here, to see if yours works-then installing the app is as simple as downloading the application from the Play Store like you would for any other app. We were unable to test VLC downloaded from the Play Store on our test Chromebook, as our device still doesn’t have the Play Store added to its version of the operating system. The Web Store version is a simple port of the original Android version, but the version hosted on the Play Store is far more up to date. If you’re having difficulties using the Chrome Web Store version of VLC on your Chromebook, you can also try using the Google Play Store version of the application as well. Using the Google Play Store Version of VLC When the installation is complete, you’ll receive a notification in the bottom-right corner of your display, and the blue “Add to Chrome” button will have changed to a green “Added” button in the Web Store. The app will only give you the option to add to Chrome if you’re on your Chrome OS device otherwise, you’ll see a red “Not Compatible” icon on the page, displaying the inability to add the app to Chrome. Regardless, you’ll need to navigate to this link to install VLC on Chrome OS. It would be a bit of a backwards decision if it happened, though. Fortunately, as of right now there are no formal plans to shut down the Chrome Web Store for Chrome OS users, though we will absolutely update this article if that were to happen. Unfortunately, the Chrome Web Store has shut down for all non-Chrome OS users, so if you’re trying to install the app on a non-Chrome OS device using the Chrome Web Store, you’re out of luck. However, when installing VLC within Chrome OS, you’ll need to use the version hosted by Google inside of the Chrome Web Store. When you install VLC on most computing platforms, you use the download link provided by VLC’s website, which automatically downloads the correct version of the app for your specific operating system and computer. The app isn’t perfect, but if you give it some time and patience, VLC’s web app is one of the best video players you can use for your Chromebook. While you can’t run traditional VLC on your new Chromebook, VLC does offer a Chrome version of their player in the Chrome Web Store. But what if you just want to relax and watch a movie? Many users have found the open-source VLC Media Player to be their video app of choice-it can play nearly any video file, and it’s endlessly customizable.